Paraka's Fandom Stuff

Posts Tagged ‘Pairing: Rodney/Sarah

Fic: A Changing Perception on Fate (or how Rodney came to believe in the Robot Apocalypse) by amaresu (text link) Fandom: Stargate Atalntis/Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles Pairing: Rodney/Sarah Summary: He’d first met Sarah Connor a few years before he’d joined the Stargate program. Posted: June 5, 2011 Download: MP3 (5.1MBs) ||| M4B (3.5MBs) Please […]


Hello! I'm Paraka and I've been floating around fandom since 2003. You can find me being fannish all over the place but these days mostly on AO3, and a little bit on Twitter (though that seems to be mostly politics these days).

All my fannish works are theoretically supposed to be hosted here, though sometimes I fall behind, so AO3 might be the most up to date.