Paraka's Fandom Stuff

Archive for December 2020

Avengers Podfic: Love is a Masquerade

Posted by: paraka on: December 31, 2020

Fic: Love Is A Masquerade by Mizzy Cover Art: paraka Fandom: Avengers Pairing: Steve/Tony Summary: When the Avengers are invited to attend Tony Stark’s Annual Masquerade Ball, Steve’s hoping Iron Man will be there–after all, he can wear a mask and keep his identity secret. So when Steve recognizes Iron Man’s distinctive thighs, Steve is […]

Sorted Podfic: Someone New

Posted by: paraka on: December 14, 2020

Fic: Someone New by bdr28 Cover Art: paraka Fandom: Sorted RPF Pairing: James/OMC, James/Mike Summary: Mike can always tell when James is sleeping with someone new. Posted: September 21, 2020 Notes: Wow, my first podfic of 2020 and it’s only… September. My podfic-fu has been missing most of the year but got reignited when I […]


Hello! I'm Paraka and I've been floating around fandom since 2003. You can find me being fannish all over the place but these days mostly on AO3, and a little bit on Twitter (though that seems to be mostly politics these days).

All my fannish works are theoretically supposed to be hosted here, though sometimes I fall behind, so AO3 might be the most up to date.