Posted by: paraka on: February 22, 2011
Fic: Becoming a Universe Within 1: Wonderland by choose2live (text link) Fandom: American Idol RPF Pairing: Kris/Katy, pre Kris/Katy/Adam Summary: When Kris auditioned for Idol, Katy never dreamed he’d make the Top 13, much less be crowned the winner. But if she was unprepared for that, it was nothing compared to meeting Adam. First in […]
Posted by: paraka on: August 24, 2010
Fic: Unstuck by xbeyondinsanex (text link) Fandom: American Idol RPF Pairing: Kris/Adam, Kris/Katy, Kris/Adam/Kris Summary: Kris Allen is a man unstuck in time. If you’ve read the Time Traveler’s Wife, you’ll get this immediately but for those who have not – Kris occasionally drifts away, revisiting moments in the past or future. Sometimes his own […]