Paraka's Fandom Stuff

Posts Tagged ‘High Scool AU

AI8 RPF Podfic: Girl, You’re Like a Weird Vacation

Posted by: paraka on: December 21, 2010

Fic: Girl, You’re Like a Weird Vacation by moirariordan (text link) Fandom: American Idol RPF Pairing: Kris/Adam Summary: Dear Adam Lambert. Hello! My name is Kristina Allen, and I live in Conway, Arkansas. My parents are Kim and Neil Allen, and I am a lesbian. What about you? Notes: Made for pennyplainknits for the 2010 […]

AI8 RPF Podfic: Or Be Drowned in Blissful Confusion

Posted by: paraka on: December 17, 2010

Fic: Or Be Drowned in Blissful Confusion by anonymous (text link) Fandom: American Idol RPF Pairing: Kris/Katy, eventually Kris/Adam Summary: Written based on the prompt: Kris/Adam AU. Adam and Kris are in high school. Adam starts a gay/straight alliance and Katy and her friends want to join. Katy is dating Kris, and she makes him […]


Hello! I'm Paraka and I've been floating around fandom since 2003. You can find me being fannish all over the place but these days mostly on AO3, and a little bit on Twitter (though that seems to be mostly politics these days).

All my fannish works are theoretically supposed to be hosted here, though sometimes I fall behind, so AO3 might be the most up to date.