Paraka's Fandom Stuff

Posts Tagged ‘Fandom: American Idol RPF

AI8 RPF Podfic: Falling Slowly (Upwards Spiral)

Posted by: paraka on: August 28, 2011

Fic: Falling Slowly (Upwards Spiral) by jeyhawk (text link) Fandom: American Idol RPF Pairing: Kris/Adam Summary: The problem, Kris thinks, isn’t the wolf’s instinctual surrender; it’s the human’s complete capitulation. Notes: Made for adamaddict_rh who bought me over at the hooplamagnet charity auction to raise money for Adam’s bithday charity, Charity: Water. Also done for […]

AI8 RPF Podfic: Crash Into Me

Posted by: paraka on: July 31, 2011

Fic: Crash Into Me by lc2l (text link) Fandom: American Idol RPF Pairing: Kris/Adam Summary: If Kris ever thought of bonding, he thought of Katy. Not the American Idol, an aloof, self-proclaimed rock star in too much eyeliner and leather. He thought of marriage and love, not a last minute desperate attempt from a stranger […]

AI8 RPF Podfic: Elves Love Snakeskin Leather Boots

Posted by: paraka on: July 28, 2011

Fic: Elves Love Snakeskin Leather Boots by house_of_lantis (text link) Fandom: American Idol RPF Pairing: Kris/Adam Summary: Fairy tale AU, language, nude elf!Adam, suggestiveness, schmoop, crack. Based on the fairy tale Brothers Grimm “The Elves and the Shoemaker” but with a naughty twist. “Got to Get You into My Life” lyrics belong to the Beatles […]

AI8 RPF Podfic: In Any Other World

Posted by: paraka on: June 19, 2011

Fic: In Any Other World by yekoc (text link) Fandom: American Idol RPF Pairing: Kris/Adam Summary: “I have been enchanted by some witch’s Magic, and I, Prince Adam of Andalasia, find myself a stranger in a strange land. May I call upon your kindness — or, if not your kindness, then the respect due to […]

AI8 RPF Podfic: A Need So Fundamental

Posted by: paraka on: June 14, 2011

Fic: A Need So Fundamental by the_minx_17 (text link) Fandom: American Idol RPF Pairing: Adam/Tommy Summary: “It could be so much fucking more.” The words are slow and lazy, a direct correlation to the time spent in the air and the amount of liquor Adam consumes when he feels trapped and forced into stillness. “You […]

AI8 RPF Podfic: Move (Sideways)

Posted by: paraka on: June 6, 2011

Fic: Move (Sideways) by jerakeen (text link) Fandom: American Idol RPF Pairing: Kris/Adam Summary: He doesn’t wanna go. (Sequel to Crabwise) Posted: June 6, 2011 Download: MP3 (6.7MBs) ||| M4B (4.6MBs) Please right click and “Save As”. Length: 4:42

Fic: Out There by jerakeen (text link) Fandom: American Idol RPF, Doctor Who, X-Files Pairing: Kris/Adam Summary: “They’re out there,” Neil tells him, pointing to his the truth is out there poster. Posted: May 29, 2011 Download: MP3 (20MBs) ||| M4B (14MBs) Please right click and “Save As”. Length: 14:41

AI8 RPF Podfic: Undercover

Posted by: paraka on: May 29, 2011

Fic: Undercover by house_of_lantis (text link) Fandom: American Idol RPF Pairing: Kris/Adam Summary: Based on kradamadness Round 6 Games prompt by vampiric_mcd who asked for mobster/mafia AU + dangerous games. It took two years for undercover agent Kris to infiltrate Adam’s criminal organization, but it only took one day for everything to come crashing down. […]

AI8 RPF Podfic: Our Song Remembered

Posted by: paraka on: April 15, 2011

Fic: Our Song Remembered by xof1013 (text link) Fandom: American Idol RPF Pairing: Adam/Kris Summary: He knew what he would be getting out of it, and he knew what Adam was asking him to give. Himself. Notes: Made for adamaddict_rh who bought me over at the hooplamagnet charity auction to raise money for Adam’s bithday […]

AI8 RPF Podfic: Lose Your Inhibitions

Posted by: paraka on: April 4, 2011

Fic: Lose Your Inhibitions (Hold Me Tight Tonight by jeyhawk (text link) Fandom: American Idol RPF Pairing: Kris/Adam Summary: Kris gets an ‘intimate’ massage gift card for his birthday… Notes: Made for adamaddict_rh who bought me over at the hooplamagnet charity auction to raise money for Adam’s bithday charity, Charity: Water. Also done for my […]


Hello! I'm Paraka and I've been floating around fandom since 2003. You can find me being fannish all over the place but these days mostly on AO3, and a little bit on Twitter (though that seems to be mostly politics these days).

All my fannish works are theoretically supposed to be hosted here, though sometimes I fall behind, so AO3 might be the most up to date.