Paraka's Fandom Stuff

Posts Tagged ‘BDSM

Guest Voice Yuri on Ice Podfic: Yuri!! on Air

Posted by: paraka on: February 17, 2017

I had a tiny role in a group podfic Fic: Yuri!! on Air by Opalsong Organized by: Opalsong Podficcers: Ailis_Fictive, analise010, cantarina, Fleur Rochard, forzandopod, FumblesMcStupid, Hananobira, Jenepod, KD reads, Opalsong, paraka, RevolutionaryJo, Rhea314, RsCreighton, SomethingIncorporeal, the24thkey, wingedwords, yue_ix Cover Art: Opalsong Fandom: Yuri!!! on Ice Pairing: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Sergei/Tanaka Summary: To: Phichit From: […]

Fic: Will You Strike While He’s Still Loading by shaenie (text link) Fandom: Avengers Pairing: Steve/Tony Summary: Fury says, “You’re fucking with me. You expect me to send in some random person to replace you, when you’ve already got a strong rapport with Stark. However you managed to get it.” Fury shakes his head, but […]

Fic: Next I go to Seven Gates (each step less a mystery) by shaenie (text link) Fandom: Avengers Pairing: Steve/Tony Summary: The truth is, he can’t wait to see Tony again. Even more truthful, he’s fiercely hopeful that Tony is still interested in their half-engineered agreement. Tony sounds like it, but he tries to keep […]

Avengers Podfic: In the Springtime of His Voodoo

Posted by: paraka on: December 28, 2014

Fic: In the Springtime of His Voodoo by shaenie (text link) Fandom: Avengers Pairing: Steve/Tony Summary: “I’m removing Captain Rogers from this base, but not from active duty. I want him as SHIELD’s liaison to Stark Industries first and foremost. He’ll report directly to me,” Fury says. “As it is, your identity as Captain America […]

AI8 RPF Podfic: Untitled Kink Fic

Posted by: paraka on: January 13, 2012

Fic: Untitled Kink Fic by anonymous (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5&6, Part 7, Part 8) Fandom: American Idol S8 Pairing: Kris/Adam Length: 49:48 Links: MP3 (40 MBs) ||| M4B (49 MBs) Summary: A series of D/s ficlets. Notes:This is my 50th podfic! \o/ I actually recorded this and had all […]


Hello! I'm Paraka and I've been floating around fandom since 2003. You can find me being fannish all over the place but these days mostly on AO3, and a little bit on Twitter (though that seems to be mostly politics these days).

All my fannish works are theoretically supposed to be hosted here, though sometimes I fall behind, so AO3 might be the most up to date.