Posted by: paraka on: October 29, 2016
Fic: Enigma by Yahtzee (text link)
Fandom: X-Men
Pairing: Charles/Erik
Summary: Written for the following prompt: Erik dies, or finds a reversey-time mutant, or a magical time travelling device, and wakes up in the past. This time, though, it’s before he ever met Charles – in fact, it’s before his mother died.
He can save his mother that one time (thanks to his mastery over powers carrying back), but what does Erik do after that? Does he stick around, or escape and run to find Charles again (and hope everything doesn’t go wrong)?
Notes: Recorded as part of Marvel Big Bang 2016.
For someone who usually doesn’t bother adding music to my podfic, I used a lot of music in this one. The idea was to use music to indicate the time period. Each scene break has music that reflects the time and, hopefully, the mood or theme of the scene. Since the author didn’t list years very often, I handwaved the timeline together based on hints in the fic, movie dates, actor’s ages, and wild guessing. :P
I used Music Outfitter’s Top 100 lists and Youtube a lot to find all the music.
Credits, in order of appearance:
Posted: October 29, 2016
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Length: 1:35:19
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