Posted by: paraka on: December 30, 2015
Fic: Love, Sex, and Paperwork by mtothedestiel (text link)
Podficcers: blackglass, Dr_Fumbles_McStupid, fire_juggler, originally, paraka, Readbyanalise010, reena_jenkins, themusecalliope
Fandom: Avengers
Pairing: Steve/Bucky
Summary: A film crew arrives to document life in the Parks and Recreation Department of America, Illinois, only to stumble upon a scandal involving Director Steve Rogers.
Notes: Miss_Marina95 is a beautiful ray of sunshine. She’s worked so hard in school and in her real that she deserves a podfic of the fic of her dreams. So a few of her friends were rounded up… and this happened. We hope you love it and have fun on your trip!
Posted: December 30, 2015
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Length: 0:20:26
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